My Final Two Weeks at Home!

In my head, the 6th September always seemed so far away. This is the day I will leave for Brussels, and begin working with Tourism Ireland in the office there. Now, the date is fast approaching, and I await with anticipation and trepidation…


I thought it important to relax and enjoy Ireland’s beauty before even thinking about packing or saying goodbyes. With that in mind, I headed off to the Aran Islands, Inis Oírr specifically, on Saturday with family. I know I may be biased, but I honestly think that a trip to Ireland is not complete without visiting these unique islands. The place offers an insight into a forgotten way-of-life, that astounds and delights even the locals. Everyone has an Aran Island story- mine involves my younger brother cycling for the first time in 10 years, losing control of his bike and crashing into the local pub’s sign- but the place is magical.

Getting there is relatively easy: I got a ferry from Doolin for 10 euro.

Getting around the island is even easier: I rented a bike for 10 euro. The island is so small that you can get everywhere on the bike. What a workout!

The people are friendly, the price of the day trip is reasonable. The weather was beautiful, the first thing we saw upon landing was a dolphin lapping up attention by the pier, and of course I loved the opportunity to speak in Irish to the locals.

Here’s the website for the ferry: Doolin Ferries , and for the island itself : Inis Oírr.

On the way back, we decided to stop by the Cliffs of Moher. Their beauty is simply breath-taking. Every time I go there, I am more astonished that I live 40 minutes from such a wonder. Again, it is so reasonable (6 euro per adult, 4 euro per student) that one has no real excuse not to stop in and enjoy the view.

This was just what I needed to get away from the stress of college/work. Now I’m en route to Dublin and facing into completing my MA thesis. Tough at the top!

